Celestin Apprentice 5
Source Code
Hamurabi 1.1.1
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Text File
395 lines
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
version 1.1.1
Original author: David Ahl
Converted to C by: Dave Menconi
Converted to CW by: Paul Celestin
940630 - 1.0.0 - first version ported to CW6
951215 - 1.1.0 - updated for CW7
960704 - 1.1.1 - updated for CW9, fixed calculation bug
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "Stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "Hamurabi.h"
#define AO 0 /* if set, use artificial opponent instead of player */
/* Global Variables */
int Year, /* position in the 10 year cycle */
People, /* number of people in country */
StoredGrain, /* Grain in storage */
Impeached = 0, /* was player impeached for starving his people? */
TotalDeath = 0, /* total death from all causes */
AvgStarve = 0, /* avg number of people who starved per year */
Land;/* land owned */
int quit = False,
starved, /* number of people starved */
newbies, /* number of new people */
yield, /* bushels of grain per acre */
lostgrain, /* bushels eaten by rats */
landcost, /* cost of land */
peoplefed, /* people fed */
farmers, /* people needed to tend land */
landtraded, /* amount of land traded */
harvest, /* bushels harvested */
feedgrain, /* amount of grain fed to the people */
plantgrain;/* amount of grain used for seed */
/* Support Routines */
void InitMac(void)
/* InitGraf(&thePort);
/* OpenPort(&MyPort);
void InitGame(void)
StoredGrain = INITSTORED;
starved = INITSTARVED;
newbies = INITNEWBIES;
yield = INITYIELD;
lostgrain = INITRATS;
}/* Initialize */
/* ============= */
int CalcStarved(int grain)
/* Calculate and return the number of people who will starve
given the number of people (a global) and the amount of grain.*/
int starved = 0;
if ((starved = People - grain / GRAINperMAN) > 0)
return starved;
return 0;
/* ============= */
int CalcHarvest(int seed, int yield, int farmers)
/* Calculate and return the amount of food havested given the
amount of land, the amount of seed and the number of people */
int landseeded,landfarmed,Growing;
landseeded = seed*ACREperGRAIN;
landfarmed = farmers*ACREperFARMER;
/* now we need to find the smallest of land, landseeded, and landfarmed */
Growing = min(min(landseeded,landfarmed),Land);
/* now we simply return the amount of grain */
return yield * Growing;
}/* CalcHarvest */
/* ============= */
int CalcLostGrain(void)
/* determine amount of spoilage from all causes */
int rnd;
rnd = RandRng(RNGLOST);
if ((rnd == 2) || (rnd == 4)) /* following original Ham*/
return StoredGrain/rnd;
return 0;
}/* CalcLostGrain */
/* ============= */
int CalcLandPrice(void)
/* this routine calculates the price of land */
}/* CalcLandPrice */
/* ============= */
int CalcYield(void)
/* this routine calculates the amount of grain that you get for one acre of land
}/* CalcYield */
/* ============= */
int CalcNewbies(void)
/* this routine calcs the amount of population growth */
long temp,temp1,temp2,Rand;
Rand = RandRng(RNGNEWBIE) ;
temp1 = (long) Land * LANDATTRACT;
temp2 = (long) StoredGrain * GRAINATTRACT;
temp = ((temp1+temp2)*Rand)/People/100 +1;
return temp;
}/* CalcNewbie */
/* ============= */
void RandomEvent(void)
/* this routine determines what, if any random events happen this
turn and adjusts the global values appropriately */
lostgrain = CalcLostGrain();
StoredGrain -= lostgrain;
if (RandRng(100)<=PLAGUECHANCE)
printf("\nA horrible plague struck!! Half the people died!\n");
People /= 2;
/* ============= */
int GetInt(char * prompt)
char s[132];
int result,done,status;
done = False;
while (!done)
printf("%s ",prompt);
status = sscanf(s,"%d",&result);
if ((status != 1) || (result < 0))
printf("Please enter a valid positive integer.\n");
done = True;
}/* while */
return result;
/* ============= */
int GetFeedGrain(void)
/* Asks the user how much grain she wants to feed her people,
verifies that this is a legal value and returns with it. */
int grain,done;
#if AO
grain = People *GRAINperMAN;
if (grain> StoredGrain)
grain = StoredGrain /2;
printf("Feeding people %i bushels (%i per man).\n",grain,grain/People);
done = False;
while (!done)
printf("\nYou have %i people and %i bushels of grain.\n",
grain = GetInt("How many bushels do you wish to feed your people? ");
if (grain>StoredGrain)
printf("You don't have enough grain to do that!");
}/* while */
return grain;
/* ============= */
int GetPlantAcres(void)
/* Asks the user how many acres she wants to plant,
verifies that it's a valid number and returns with it. */
int plantland,done;
/* The pertinent equations for harvest are:
L = S * ACREperGRAIN (acres planted related to bushels of seed)
L = P * ACREperFARMER; (acres planted related to population)
Where L is land planted, P is the population and S is the bushels of seed.
#if AO
plantland = Land;
if (plantland > People * ACREperFARMER)
plantland = People * ACREperFARMER;
if (plantland > StoredGrain * ACREperGRAIN)
plantland = StoredGrain * ACREperGRAIN;
printf("Planting %i acres.\n",plantland);
done = False;
while (!done)
printf("\nYou have %i acres, %i bushels in storage and %i farmers.\n ",
Land, StoredGrain,People);
plantland =GetInt("How much land would you like to plant?");
if (plantland > Land) /* not enough land */
printf("You don't have enough land!\n");
else if (plantland / ACREperGRAIN > StoredGrain) /* not enough grain */
printf("That would take %i bushels and you don't have that much.\n",
else if (plantland / ACREperFARMER > People) /* not enough farmers */
printf("That would take %i farmers and you don't have that many.\n",
done = True; /* whew! a legal number! */
}/* while */
return plantland;
} /* GetPlantAcres */
/* ============= */
int GetTradeLand(int price)
/* Asks the user how much land she wants to trade, verifies that
this is a legal value and returns with it. A negaive return value
indicates the amount of land sold. */
int tradeland,done,result,surplus;
#if AO
surplus = StoredGrain - ((GRAINperMAN + ACREperFARMER/ACREperGRAIN)*People);
tradeland = surplus/price;
if (tradeland>=0)
printf("Bought %i acres.\n",tradeland);
printf("Sold %i acres.\n",-tradeland);
done = False;
while (!done)
printf("\nLand is selling for %i bushels per acre and you have %i ",
printf("bushels in storage.\n");
tradeland = GetInt("How many acres do you wish to buy? ");
if (tradeland == 0)
tradeland = GetInt("How many acres do you wish to sell? ");
if (tradeland > Land)
printf("You don't have that much land!\n");
done = True;
tradeland = -tradeland;
}/* not buying land */
else if (tradeland > StoredGrain/price)
printf("You don't have enough grain for that!\n");
done = True;
}/* while */
return tradeland;
} /* GetTradeLand() */
/* ============= */
void Report(void)
/* this routine tells the player her status at the beginning of
the turn. This information includes:
Year, starved, newbies, People, Land, yield, StoredGrain, lostgrain */
printf("\nHamurabi: I beg to report to you, \n");
printf("in year %i, %i people starved, %i came to the city,\n",
printf("the population is now %i.\n",People);
printf("The city now owns %i acres.\n",Land);
printf("You harvested %i bushels per acre.\n",yield);
printf("Rats ate %i bushels.\n",lostgrain);
printf("You now have %i bushels in store.\n",StoredGrain);
/* ============= */
void Impeach(void)
/* */
printf("You starved %i people in one year!!!\n",starved);
printf("Due to this extreme mismanagement you have not only\n");
printf("been impeached and thrown out of office but you have");
printf("also been declared national FINK!!!");
quit = True;
/* ============= */
int RandRng(int Range)
#define MaxRandom 0X7FFF
long Rand,Temp;
int Return;
Rand = (long)Random() & MaxRandom;
Return = (int)((Rand*Range)/MaxRandom)+1; /* convert it to the range */
if (Return>Range) Return = Range;
return Return;
/* ============= */
int i,rnd,PerCap,TotScore;
long count [101];
long tot;
printf("THE GAME OF HAMURABI \n");
printf("Creative Computing Morristown, New Jersey\n");
printf("from Basic Computer Games by David Ahl\n");
printf("Converted to 'C' by Dave Menconi\n");
printf("Ported to CodeWarrior by Paul Celestin\n\n");
printf("\nTry your hand at running ancient Sumeria for a 10 year\n");
printf("term. Maybe you will get lucky and live in history forever.\n");
printf("Then again, maybe not.\n\n");
for (Year = 1; Year <= 10 && !quit; Year++)
landcost = CalcLandPrice();
landtraded = GetTradeLand(landcost);
Land += landtraded;
StoredGrain -= landtraded*landcost;
feedgrain = GetFeedGrain();
StoredGrain -= feedgrain;
plantacre = GetPlantAcres();
plantgrain = plantacre/ACREperGRAIN;
StoredGrain -= plantgrain;
starved = CalcStarved(feedgrain);
if (starved>People*STARVELIMIT/100)
TotalDeath += starved;
/* avg # people who starve per year as a percentage */
AvgStarve = ((Year - 1) * AvgStarve + starved * 100/People)/Year;
yield = CalcYield();
harvest = CalcHarvest(plantgrain,yield,People);
StoredGrain += harvest;
newbies = CalcNewbies();
People = People - starved + newbies;
}/* for */
PerCap = Land/People;
printf("\n\nIn your 10 year term of office %i percent\n",AvgStarve);
printf("of the population starved per year on the averag. A total\n");
printf("of %i people starved during your tenure.\n",TotalDeath);
printf("You started with %i acres per person and ended with\n",
printf("%i acres per person.\n",PerCap);
TotScore = (PerCap-AvgStarve);
printf("Overall I would give you a %i.\n\n",TotScore);
if (TotScore<-20)
printf("You are a despicable despot! You killed off your people right and left!\n");
else if (TotScore<0)
printf("You did a poor job. A change of career is in order!\n");
else if (TotScore<10)
printf("Not a bad score, altogether! Apply for president...\n");
else if (TotScore>10)
printf("This is incredible! Your mother should be very proud!\n");
printf("I recommend a career in hotel/motel management!\n");
}/* main */